Sunday, September 18, 2005

Turkish Red Crescent’s Materials Looted On the Way to Tel Afar

"Turkish Red Crescent’s Materials Looted On the Way to Tel Afar
By Cetiner Cetin, M. Alihan Hasanoglu, Cihan News Agency
Published: Sunday, September 18, 2005

In an effort to help those who left Tal Afar due to the two week raids of the US and Iraqi forces in, the Turkish Red Crescent went to Tel Afar, a Turcoman town, but its materials were looted on the way there.

Approximately 2,000 parcels were looted yesterday (Saturday), each containing aid materials of 40 kg for those who left the town and settled in the tent town’s near Tal Afar. In the aftermath of the looting, the Iraqi Red Crescent left the camp because of its insecurity and lack of order. "

More:Turkish Red Crescent’s Materials Looted On the Way to Tel Afar