Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Taipei Times - A fusion city ripe with treasures

"A fusion city ripe with treasures
Doing the sights of Istanbul can feel like a forced march, but it is an unforgettable experience

By Robert Elms
Wednesday, Sep 07, 2005,Page 13

You can hear Istanbul from a continent away. Cross the Bosphorus to the more serene Asian side and you sense a distant but distinct rumble, the mighty hum and roar of an ancient/modern urban machine.

This ex-Constantinople is one of the world's most powerful and charismatic cities, a massive, unknowable megalopolis of maybe 14 million souls, maybe more, all of them moving at all times, frenetic, chaotic. But it is also an intimate, intriguing collection of vignettes, of unique sensual experiences and historical glimpses, which will pull you back time and again."

More:Taipei Times - A fusion city ripe with treasures