Friday, September 30, 2005

Opinion: EU-Turkey Project Hardly Realistic | Press Reviews & Opinion | Deutsche Welle |

"Opinion: EU-Turkey Project Hardly Realistic

Turkey and the EU: Two incompatible constellations?
Turkey and the EU: Two incompatible constellations?

Negotiations for Turkey's possible entry to the European Union are rocky even before they have started. Deutsche Welle's Baha Güngör believes that the EU-Turkey project doesn't have a realistic chance.

Whether membership talks with Turkey can begin, as planned, on Monday will be decided at the last minute. After ambassadors from the 25 member states failed to agree on a negotiating mandate at their meeting on Thursday, EU foreign ministers now have to attend a special session in Luxembourg on Sunday, since unanimous approval is mandatory for the negotiations to start."

More:Opinion: EU-Turkey Project Hardly Realistic | Press Reviews & Opinion | Deutsche Welle |