Friday, September 09, 2005

Financial Mirror-Turkish Cypriot Chamber opens Brussels office

"Turkish Cypriot Chamber opens Brussels office


The Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce (KTTO), which was founded in 1958, will officially open a Brussels office at a cocktail reception on September 19 in an effort to make its voice heard at the EU level.

In a statement to announce the forthcoming opening, KTTO President Ali Erel said 'Turkish Cypriots are one of the parties involved with the Cyprus Problem, however, they are not represented on any of the discussion platforms and they seriously lack a voice in Brussels.

'The Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce hence feels it necessary to have a Representation Office in order to represent the Turkish Cypriot interests and work on the FREE TRADE idea, which we believe to be the way out of the deadlock and contribute to the development of Turkish Cypriot Economy.'"

More:Financial Mirror-Turkish Cypriot Chamber opens Brussels office