Tuesday, August 02, 2005

JTW Comment - Muslim-Christian Ties in Europe: Past, Present and Future

"Muslim-Christian Ties in Europe: Past, Present and Future
Dr. Hans Koechler

The History of Islamic-Christian Relations in Europe: Cultural Interaction Versus Political-Ideological Confrontation

From the universal perspective of the history of civilizations, Europe displays a remarkable disparity in regard to the mutual cultural influences of the Muslim and the Christian world. The influence of European thinking on the Muslim world dates back to the beginning of the 19th century while Muslim civilization had made its profound impact on European-Christian culture -- on its long way to the development of science and technology -- already a millennium ago and over a period of several hundred years. In other words, for over a thousand years European culture had no particular influence on the Muslim world; rather it benefited from the early Islamic 'enlightenment' in all fields of culture and science."

More:JTW Comment - Muslim-Christian Ties in Europe: Past, Present and Future