Sunday, August 28, 2005

Gul: Taking Side with Greek Cypriots is Also Against EU Spirit

"Gul: Taking Side with Greek Cypriots is Also Against EU Spirit
By Ersan Temizel, Musa Ozyurek
Published: Sunday, August 28, 2005

Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul reacted to French President Jacques Chirac’s remarks that Ankara’s declaration on not recognizing the Greek Cypriot administration “poses political and legal problems and that it is not in the spirit expected of a candidate to the Union.' Gul recalled that it was the Greek Cypriot administration, who, in a referendum on April 24, 2004, rejected the Annan Plan, which the United Nations (UN), the European Union (EU), and the entire world reached a consensus. Underlying that Greek Cypriots have in fact acted against the European spirit, Gul called on EU members to act consistently on the Cyprus issue. The Turkish foreign minister noting the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) fulfilled its responsibilities said an embargo against Turkish Cypriots was also against the EU spirit and principles. “Greek Cypriots carrying this problem into the EU should pay the costs for their behavior,” Gul said."

More:Gul: Taking Side with Greek Cypriots is Also Against EU Spirit