Monday, May 23, 2005

Comment - Strange bedfellows

"Comment - Strange bedfellows
By Nicos Rolandis

IT HAS been said that �a politician thinks of the next elections, whereas a statesman thinks of the next generations.�

Unfortunately this is the case in Cyprus, which breeds countless politicians and very few statesmen. Because ever since 1960, Cypriots have been craving for power, and the acquisition of power. The vision for a united country, and the attainable parameters within which this country could function, have never been discussed in depth in public. After all, this sort of thing is averse to a people whom political parties have benumbed with fantasies that ignore the truth and the guilt of the past. Guilt that is shouldered by both Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots for years gone by."

More:Comment - Strange bedfellows
By Nicos Rolandis