Thursday, April 21, 2005

EUbusiness - EU-hopeful Turkey pressured by its past

"EU-hopeful Turkey pressured by its pastDocument Actions 19/04/2005

Amid international pressure to recognise the 1915 Armenian massacres as genocide, Turkey finds itself struggling between growing calls at home for the country to face the past and unease at giving in over a delicate issue it fears may cloud its bid to join the European Union. In an unprecedented move, Turkish historians and intellectuals have increasingly started to question the official line on the once-taboo subject as Armenians prepare to mark the 90th anniversary of the killings. 'Turkey is going through a very important phase,' Etyen Mahcupyan, a Turkish columnist of Armenian descent, told AFP. 'Despite the state's resistance, the people and the intellectual elite want officialdom to face the past and come up with a prudent policy.' "

More:EUbusiness - EU-hopeful Turkey pressured by its past