Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Turkish Daily News - TIME: Nightmare scenario for US; Turkish intervention in Iraq

"TIME: Nightmare scenario for US; Turkish intervention in Iraq
Tuesday, March 1, 2005
There's little dispute that the results of the Jan. 30 election have given Kurdish nationalism fresh momentum, an article in TIME says

ANKARA - Turkish Daily News

The latest issue regarding Iraq being reported by the U.S. weekly news magazine TIME states that Iraqi Kurds have expanded the region under their control by 20 percent since Saddam Hussein's regime was overthrown in 2003 and threw out a question for consideration, also noting a nightmare scenario including Turkey's intervention in the region, �How much of the country do [Jalal] Talabani and the Kurds want to reshape?� "

More:Turkish Daily News - TIME: Nightmare scenario for US; Turkish intervention in Iraq