Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Turkish Daily News:Mehmet Ali Birand: We entered a new process

"Mehmet Ali Birand: We entered a new process
Tuesday, February 8, 2005

The Supreme Court of Appeals decision on Friday shows how much Turkey will change during the EU membership process. The era of banning thought has come to an end. We all need to get used to this new attitude. We all share a responsibility to base secularism on a stronger foundation

Mehmet Ali Birand
The expected step has at last been taken.
The Supreme Court of Appeals has dismissed a sentence accorded to an author who harshly criticized those who defended secularism.
In summary, it decided that a person could not be penalized for his or her thoughts. This way, it has started to practice one of the most important articles of the Copenhagen Criteria. Whatever you think, this is a landmark decision."

More:Turkish Daily News