Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Turkish Daily News:Gunduz Aktan: Turkish-US relations (1)

"Gunduz Aktan: Turkish-US relations (1)
Wednesday, February 9, 2005

Our relationship with the United States is heading for a highly serious crisis. The leading crisis with this country that set up the backbone of our defense throughout the Cold War occurred in 1964 with the �Johnson letter�. At that time, the Greek Cypriots had attacked the Turkish Cypriots on the island. The United States did nothing to stop the Greek Cypriots while it prevented Turkey from intervening. The problem was �postponed� by U.N. Security Council Resolution 186 (1964), according to which a peacekeeping force was sent to Cyprus. Turkey was forced to intervene at a later date following the 1974 Sampson coup. The US Congress imposed an arms embargo on Turkey following Turkey;s intervention"

More:Turkish Daily News