Friday, February 04, 2005

Turkish Daily News:Bill Gates, 'techno-populism' and the headline this week that wasn't

"Bill Gates, 'techno-populism' and the headline this week that wasn't
Friday, February 4, 2005
Opinion by David Judson

I'm all for development through the �Knowledge Economy.� But let's make sure we're knowledgeable about the Knowledge Economy.
As one working for a newspaper that is working hard in support of IT diffusion and this emerging age of knowledge, I have once again been thinking about this particular challenge. What happened? Well, Bill Gates stopped off here for tea on his way back from the Davos summit. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan used the occasion to declare a new �Silicon Valley� in Istanbul's �mraniye district. The Turkish media suffered another of its periodic bouts of �new economy hysteria.� And a protocol was signed pledging mutual allegiance to the concept of the �e-state.� Mr. Gates, meanwhile, finished his tea and disappeared as quickly as he had arrived, leaving behind little more than a series of bold newspaper headlines and promises that �I shall return.�"

More:Turkish Daily News