"London Debates over Turkey
By Cihan News Agency
Published: Wednesday 23, 2005
European academics and journalists have held a debate in London to discuss the issue 'Does Turkey belong to Europe or not?'
Those for and against Turkey's European Union (EU) membership gathered in a debate at The Royal Geographical Society. Among the participants, supporters of Turkey were in a majority according to the voting held after the discussion. Lecturer and Professor at Ankara's Bilkent University Norman Stone also participated in the panel.
John Casey, Lecturer at Cambridge University, Michael Stuermer, of the German newspaper Die Welt and Kevin Myers of the Sunday Telegraph spoke against Turkey's EU membership in the debate.
Norman Stone, Dominique Moisi, head of the French Institute for International Relations, and Mark Leonard, Foreign Policy Director of the Center for European Reform (CER) were among those who supported Turkey's EU bid. Francine Stock of the BBC chaired the panel. "
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