"Kurdish declared official language of Kirkuk
Turkish Daily News
ANKARA � February 25, 2005
The Kurdish governor of Kirkuk has issued a circular declaring Kurdish the official language in the disputed oil-rich city in northern Iraq, said a news report yesterday.
Kirkuk Governor Abdurrahman Mustafa's order came as Osman Korut�rk, Turkey's special envoy to Iraq, was visiting northern Iraq for talks with Jalal Talabani, leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK).
The decision may lead to tension among the city's ethnically diverse population. The circular makes Kurdish the official language not only in Kirkuk city but also in all districts, some of which are populated exclusively by non-Kurdish communities such as the Turkmen, reported the private Mak Ajans."
More:Kurdish declared official language of Kirkuk :: from www.uruknet.info :: news from occupied Iraq