Monday, January 24, 2005

Turkish Cypriots in London call for union with Turkey

"Group attempts to rekindle TMT
By George Psyllides

Turkish Cypriots in London call for union with Turkey

A GROUP of Turkish Cypriot members of the paramilitary group TMT, which was active during the intercommunal strife in the 1960s, are preparing for the recreation of the group under a slightly different name, it was reported yesterday.

The new group, known as the Cyprus Turkish Resistance Organisation, was set up by Turkish Cypriots who, according to an email sent to Kibris newspaper, were �exiled� to England between 1963 and 1974.

According to Kibris, the founders fought side by side with the Turkish army.

The email is made up of 21 articles that, among others, claim that the Turkish Cypriot breakaway state should unite with Turkey, and those supporting such union should take power.

The members of the group demanded the immediate closure of casinos in the north and the dismissal of teachers on the payroll of �foreign centres�.

Turkish Cypriot and Turkish youths should be taught the history of the Cyprus problem to the last iota, the group said.

They also called for a termination in the use of Sterling and Cyprus pounds in the north, claiming that all transactions should be carried out in Turkish pounds.

Finally, the group suggested that Cypriot passport holders in the Turkish Cypriot community should declare whether they desired a Greek Cypriot passport or a Turkish one in order to �put an end to the shame�.

The name of the new organisation differs from its �60s predecessor only with the addition of the word Cyprus.

TMT (Turk Mukavemet Teskilati) was an armed group formed as a response to the formation of EOKA B � which fought for union with Greece -- the splinter of EOKA, which was formed in the 1950s to fight the"

Turkish Cypriots in London call for union with Turkey