Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Poll on Global Economy:22-Nation Poll Finds Most Are Pessimistic about the Global Economy

"22-Nation Poll Finds Most Are Pessimistic about the Global Economy

� Many See Economic Improvement for Their Family, but Not Their Country �

� Developing Asian Countries Generally Most Optimistic on Economy
Western European and Developed Asian Countries Pessimistic �

� Within Countries, Rich Confident They Will Get Richer,
Poor Are Doubtful, Young Most Hopeful �

A BBC World Service Poll of 22 countries from around the world found that in 13 countries a majority or a plurality believe the world economy is getting worse. Citizens in only 6 countries see the world economy improving.

....There are significant differences between two Muslim countries, Turkey and Lebanon. Turks are upbeat about their families (54%) and divided about their nation and the world. Lebanese are quite pessimistic: a majority (54%) are negative about their family’s prospects, are profoundly pessimistic about their national economy (77%) and lean negative on the world (25% better – 42% worse). In both countries, negativity about their national economy is surprising as both had healthy growth rates in 2004 (Turkey 7%, Lebanon 5%)..."

More:Poll on Global Economy