"The Europe Question
December 20, 2004
Forty years is a long time for anyone to wait for a commitment from a would-be partner. But Turkey 's four decades of patience finally paid off -- sort of -- Friday night, when the EU set Oct. 3, 2005, as the date for the start of negotiations with Turkey on joining the bloc.
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan came to Brussels last week determined to fight for a date certain, and he got one, 40 years to the month after Turkey 's association agreement with the EU came into effect. Even that date came with caveats; it is contingent on Turkey 's recognizing the Greek Cypriot government, which is currently holding up the process of reunifying the northern and southern sides of the island. And supposing that wrinkle can be worked out, a decade or more of negotiations awaits the Turks."
WSJ.com - The Europe Question