Thursday, December 23, 2004

EUbusiness - EU membership for Turkey boosts bloc's political power: EU presidency

"EU membership for Turkey boosts bloc's political power: EU presidencyDocument Actions 23/12/2004

Turkish membership of the EU will help Europe become a formidable political power in a globalised world, Dutch Foreign Minister Ben Bot, whose country holds the rotating EU presidency, told AFP. 'If you want to count in a globalised world I believe it is important to have considerable weight in terms of population, military capacity and economic capacity. Turkey will contribute to this political power we must become,' Bot said in an interview late Wednesday. European Union leaders agreed last week to open accession talks with Turkey in October 2005. Although the talks will not necessarily end in EU membership, Bot said he felt there was a 'good chance' Ankara would join the union. 'As the goal of the operation is (for Turkey) to become a full member of the EU I think that with a little good will we will get there,' the minister said. "

More:EUbusiness - EU membership for Turkey boosts bloc's political power: EU presidency