Thursday, June 08, 2023

Turkey: Wake up from your slumber

Turkey: Wake up from your slumber Thursday, 08 June 2023 | Bhopinder Singh Erdogan's juggernaut rolls on as ‘Kemal Gandhi’ and his secular approach and relatively non-divisive rhetoric does not sway the masses Moral template Mahatma Gandhi is not just undergoing a crisis of relevance in the land of his birth, but also in the distant land with which India had relations since the Vedic ages (Pre 1500 BC), i.e., ancient Anatolia or modern Turkey. Much later, Gandhi supported the Khilafat movement as a measure of anti-colonialism and expression of India’s Hindu-Muslim unity, and not as a religious matter. However, Gandhi subsequently insisted on realism for Indian Muslims when Mustapha Kemal Pasha (sobriquet of ‘Ataturk’ or Father of all Turks, came later) abolished the Caliphate. However, for a generation of Turks, Gandhi had become an inspirational and moral reference with principles of nonviolence (Ahimsa) and passive insistence (Satyagraha). More:Turkey: Wake up from your slumber