Saturday, May 06, 2023

Turkey's Election: Global Implications and Significance:Why Turkey’s Choice Matters for the World? - Modern Diplomacy

Turkey’s Election: Global Implications and Significance:Why Turkey’s Choice Matters for the World? 0 Comments Published 11 hours ago on May 6, 2023By Sedat Laçiner There are presidential and parliamentary elections in Turkey on May 14, and many international media outlets have already declared these elections the most important in the world. For example, The Washington Post appeared with the headline “The World’s most important election in 2023 will be in Turkey” on January 9, 2023. (1) British think tank Chatham House, on the other hand, counted the elections in Turkey among the “three most important events whose results are expected in the world this year”. This week, The Economist magazine has declared the 14 May Turkey elections “the most important election in the world” and made it the cover story. (2) The French weekly magazine Le Point used the phrase “On the eve of the election, the world holds its breath” (À la veille des élections, le monde retient son souffle) for the Turkish elections on the cover. (3) So, what makes the elections in Turkey so important? Why does the change of the president in Turkey concern the world and especially the West so much? More:Turkey's Election: Global Implications and Significance:Why Turkey’s Choice Matters for the World? - Modern Diplomacy