Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Turkey’s Rise in the Security Sphere: Can Turkey Sustain it or will She Fade in the Shadows? - Indian Defence Review

Turkey’s Rise in the Security Sphere: Can Turkey Sustain it or will She Fade in the Shadows?ByDanvir SinghDate : 27 Dec , 2022 Turkey’s geo-strategic location in Europe gives it a unique bridging ability between Russia and the West. Turkey’s geo-political influence expands across continents, from states on its periphery, particularly the Caucasus and continues into the Central Asian states where a Turkic ethno-linguistic zone extends Eastwards right up to the Chinese border. Turkey’s influence stabilises the Black Sea region as it controls the Straits of Dardanelles and the Bosphorus connecting it to the Mediterranean. This makes Turkey vital to the interests of the West making it the South-Eastern anchor for NATO. Hence, it majorly influences the Middle-East and balances Russia in the entire South-Eastern zone, which includes the Caucasus. More:Turkey’s Rise in the Security Sphere: Can Turkey Sustain it or will She Fade in the Shadows? - Indian Defence Review