Saturday, December 05, 2020

Picking up the pieces - Turkey recovers from one earthquake and braces for more | Europe | The Economist

Turkey recovers from one earthquake and braces for more Istanbul is not ready for the next big one Dec 5th 2020 IZMIR Near one of Izmir’s main thoroughfares, bulldozers and excavators power through a vast heap of rubble and steel wire, the ghastly remains of an apartment block levelled by an earthquake that struck Turkey’s third-biggest city in late October. Movers salvage furniture and kitchen supplies from buildings awaiting demolition or on the verge of collapse, their facades covered with deep cracks. A few hundred metres away, outside a shelter for those made homeless by the disaster, Meryem, a divorced teacher, and her two children are packing their belongings onto a pickup truck. Her house survived, says Meryem, but suffered so much damage that she refuses to go back. “I would not wish this on anyone,” she says. More:Picking up the pieces - Turkey recovers from one earthquake and braces for more | Europe | The Economist