Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Turkey's New Internet Regulations Spark Fears of New Wave of Censorship | Voice of America - English

Turkey's New Internet Regulations Spark Fears of New Wave of Censorship
By Dorian Jones
October 8, 2019 05:08 PM

Turkey’s Freedom of Expression Association organized a briefing for lawyers on new internet regulations which was vastly oversubscribed as numerous legal challenges to the new rules are expected. (D. Jones/VOA News)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - In Turkey, new controls regulating internet use have come into force. The government says all broadcasters, who are already restricted, need to abide by the same rules on the internet, but critics claim the new measures are an attempt to silence the last platform for independent journalism.

More:Turkey's New Internet Regulations Spark Fears of New Wave of Censorship | Voice of America - English