Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Will Putin's 'ice cream diplomacy' with Erdogan help resolve Idlib?

Will Putin's 'ice cream diplomacy' with Erdogan help resolve Idlib?
Maxim A. Suchkov August 27, 2019

MOSCOW — They say that familiarity breeds contempt. In recent years Russian President Vladimir Putin has met his Turkish counterpart more than any other foreign leader. Practically every meeting between the two brings something amusing, be it Putin pulling the chair from under President Recep Tayyip Erdogan or treating the Turkish leader with Russian ice cream. Both obviously enjoy media attention and know how to work public interest in their personas. Both still have the ability to surprise the public. Both seem to enjoy it. Most importantly, however, they know how to link the projection of this “special personal relationship” between the two to the improvement of Russia-Turkey relations.

More:Will Putin's 'ice cream diplomacy' with Erdogan help resolve Idlib?