Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Move over Özil, it’s Merkel next for smiling Erdoğan – POLITICO

Move over Özil, it’s Merkel next for smiling Erdoğan

The Turkish president is headed to Germany at a particularly delicate time.

By Matthew Karnitschnig

7/31/18, 4:00 AM CET

BERLIN — Germany is bracing for Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s next photo-op.

As the affair surrounding a photograph of the Turkish leader and German footballer Mesut Özil reignited a divisive debate over the place of ethnic Turks in German society, it emerged that the German government invited Erdoğan for a state visit in September to meet with Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

More:Move over Özil, it’s Merkel next for smiling Erdoğan – POLITICO