Tuesday, March 21, 2017

'Referendum, Erdogan pushed crisis with EU',Turkish analyst - Politics - ANSAMed.it

'Referendum, Erdogan pushed crisis with EU',Turkish analyst
'Turkish emigres damaged. Rhetoric won't work'

(by Cristoforo Spinella) ISTANBUL - ''The diplomatic crisis with EU countries is completely artificial. Erdogan wanted it to distract voters from a reform that is not as convincing as he would like, trying to bring to Europe the same polarization he has created in Turkey'', Koray Caliskan, a political science professor at the prestigious Bosphorus University in Istanbul, told ANSA. Discussing the strategy of the ''belligerent rhetoric'' of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and its possible impact on a referendum on the presidential system scheduled on April 16.

More:'Referendum, Erdogan pushed crisis with EU',Turkish analyst - Politics - ANSAMed.it