Thursday, August 25, 2016

Al-Malarkey | The Economist

President Erdogan’s threat to realign towards Russia is more bark than bite
Aug 27th 2016 | ISTANBUL | From the print edition

THE presidential palace in Ankara is a 1,150-room modern fortress of stone pillars and sheet glass, completed for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in 2015 at an official cost of $615m. For Mr Erdogan’s supporters, it is an emblem of Turkey’s energy and will. For his opponents it represents the president’s autocratic instincts and lust for power. During the attempted coup of July 15th, mutinous fighter pilots dropped bombs near the complex. On August 24th, Joe Biden, America’s vice president, went there to apologise to Mr Erdogan for America’s failure to show more solidarity with Turkey in the coup’s aftermath.

More:Al-Malarkey | The Economist