Saturday, October 31, 2015

Turkey elections: Defeat would not be the end of President Erdogan | Voices | The Independent

Turkey elections: Defeat would not be the end of President Erdogan
The canny – and politically brutal – leader for the past 13 years faces a divided opposition

I asked a friend, long resident in Turkey, if he thought that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan might be more conciliatory towards his enemies and more moderate in his pursuit of power after the parliamentary election. The friend laughed at my naivety. “Do you imagine that Dracula ever thinks he has enough blood?” he asked derisively. “Do rich men ever feel that they have made enough money? Do you imagine that there will be cuddly Erdogan toys in the toy shops six months from now?”

More:Turkey elections: Defeat would not be the end of President Erdogan | Voices | The Independent