Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Turkey wants army to enter Syria, but army isn't so keen - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Turkey wants army to enter Syria, but army isn't so keen

A debate in Ankara that was overshadowed by coalition negotiations suddenly surfaced after the bloody Islamic State [IS] attack against Kobani. The origin of this newly emerging debate goes back to the days when the civil war in Syria began to seriously affect Turkey’s border. Ankara, which has been constantly criticized for its ineffective border security, has been responding with calls for a no-fly zone over northern Syria and security zones along the border, but such calls did not get international support. That is why Ankara has been busy developing alternative plans such as reinforcing border security, enlarging its own military zones and setting up logistics bases close to the border that can be mobilized quickly. Some of these plans are already implemented.

More:Turkey wants army to enter Syria, but army isn't so keen - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East