Saturday, May 30, 2015

Turkey's Quasi-Dictator Takes on The New York Times | Jewish & Israel News

Turkey’s Quasi-Dictator Takes on The New York Times and Democracy
May 29, 2015 5:21 pm 2 comments

For 13 years, Recep Tayyip Erdogan has worked to impose his Islamist vision on Turkey’s proud secular democracy, reshaping the country into a neo-Ottoman republic. His success can be credited in no small measure to his manipulation and intimidation of the press, and the occasional censorship of social media and the Internet overall. Now, in a gesture that betrays either Islamist imperialism, sheer ignorance of Western democracy, or both, Turkey’s president and former prime minister is expanding his reach, raising his fist – and, he hopes, his influence – at the West, using the New York Times as his target.

More:Turkey's Quasi-Dictator Takes on The New York Times | Jewish & Israel News