Sunday, August 31, 2014

Media is a punch bag, Internet next battleground - CİHAN

Media is a punch bag, Internet next battleground
ISTANBUL - 30.08.2014 11:30:55

Bugün, Evrensel, Yurt, Birgün, Zaman, Yeni Çağ, the Cihan news agency, Samanyolu Haber TV, Aydınlık, Ulusal TV, Kanaltürk and Today's Zaman.
Those are the names of the 12 news outlets that were banned from covering a key event in Turkish politics on Thursday, when the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) said farewell to its leader, President-elect Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, in what was termed the turning point for a “regime shift.”

More:Media is a punch bag, Internet next battleground - CİHAN