Monday, May 05, 2014

Prosecutor sues both gov't paper and İstanbul chief prosecutor

Prosecutor sues both gov't paper and İstanbul chief prosecutor

This surveillance video still shows a meeting in İstanbul’s İncirli metrobus station between Tawhid-Salam member and Naser Ghafari, the top representative of the Quds Force in Turkey. (Photo: DHA)
May 05, 2014, Monday/ 18:33:24

Ankara Today's Zaman / Adnan Çimen, the former prosecutor investigating the Iran-backed terrorist organization Tawhid-Salam, has filed a lawsuit against the government media outlet Yeni Şafak for fabricated reports claiming that as many as 3,000 people were wiretapped as part of the investigation of the Salam terrorist group, claiming that the reports violated investigation secrecy, allowing the suspects to learn of the probe.

More:Today's Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news