Thursday, December 20, 2012

Iraq, Kurds, Turks and oil: A tortuous triangle | The Economist

A tortuous triangle
The governments of Turkey, Iraq and Iraqi Kurdistan play a dangerous game

Dec 22nd 2012 | ERBIL | from the print edition

SNAKING their way from Kirkuk, a city 240 kilometres (150 miles) north of Baghdad, through Kurdistan and across Turkey’s eastern region of Anatolia to the Mediterranean are pipes that once carried 1.6m barrels a day (b/d) of Iraqi oil to the global market and yielded fat transit fees to Turkey along the way. The infrastructure underpinned the two countries’ mutual dependence. But nowadays the balance of power has shifted. A third party, the Iraqi Kurds, has changed it. It is unclear who will emerge on top. But Iraq’s central government in Baghdad is on the defensive.

More:Iraq, Kurds, Turks and oil: A tortuous triangle | The Economist