Friday, May 25, 2012

Turkey As A Stabilizing Force In The Middle East - Analysis

Turkey As A Stabilizing Force In The Middle East – Analysis

May 25, 2012

By Daniel Wagner and Abdul Yousef

Turkey’s relationship with the nations of the Middle East has historically vacillated between periods of ambivalence and periods of engagement. Turkey’s desire to join the EU had previously prompted it to distance itself from the Arab world, however, since the rise and consolidation of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) beginning in 2001, Turkey’s attitudes towards the region have changed dramatically. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Erdogan, the Turkish government pursued a policy of active engagement in Middle Eastern affairs, and began positioning Turkey to become a major player in the region. The Arab Awakening resulted in a strengthening of this trend, and Turkey is now well positioned to exert even greater influence throughout the Middle East.

More:Turkey As A Stabilizing Force In The Middle East - Analysis