Friday, October 28, 2011

World Bank Supports Turkey-Built 56.4 MW Wind Project in Pakistan | Green Prophet

World Bank Supports Turkey-Built 56.4 MW Wind Project in Pakistan
Karin Kloosterman | October 28th, 2011

boy flying kite pakistanWith crippling floods every year and regular power outages, a new internationally financed wind project in Pakistan is breezy green news to us.

Iran, finding itself increasingly isolated due to US-backed sanctions, has been pressing energy-deficient Pakistan to connect with Iran’s natural gas “peace pipeline“. Natural gas is better than coal (which is killing miners) and dirty fuel that Pakistanis use in their households, but it is not the greenest. We laud a new announcement by the International Finance Corporation, part of the World Bank Group, which is investing $38.1 million in the company Zorlu Enerji Pakistan Limited, a Turkish energy firm to build what it is calling a landmark wind energy project in Pakistan, the Associated Press Pakistan reports.

More:World Bank Supports Turkey-Built 56.4 MW Wind Project in Pakistan | Green Prophet