Monday, August 22, 2011

Turkmenistan: Turkish Schools Closed Amid Concerns of Spread of Nurchilar Movement |

Turkmenistan: Turkish Schools Closed Amid Concerns of Spread of Nurchilar Movement
August 22, 2011 - 4:17pm, by Catherine A. Fitzpatrick

Like their counterparts in Uzbekistan and other Eurasian countries, Turkmen authorities have evidently become concerned about the influence of Nurchilar, a Turkish Islamic movement that has supported Turkmen-Turkish schools in Turkmenistan for more than a decade. In April, the Turkish schools stopped taking new pupils. Then on August 1, Turkish-supported schools in Turkmenbashi, Nebitdag, Turkmenabad and other cities were closed; only one school remains in Ashgabat, the Mustafa Kemal Ataturk School No. 57, reports Chronicles of Turkmenistan (, an independent émigré news site.

More:Turkmenistan: Turkish Schools Closed Amid Concerns of Spread of Nurchilar Movement |