Sunday, November 21, 2010

Melancholy man

"Melancholy man

Turkish novelist Orhan Pamuk says sadness in his writing is well-earned

By Richard Helm, Edmonton Journal November 21, 2010 2:07 AM

Turkish writer Orhan Pamuk insists he's not the sad soul his writings would have us assume, despite considerable regretful evidence to the contrary.

Pamuk was in Edmonton this weekend as part of the University of Alberta's Festival of Ideas, a congress of notable writers and thinkers brought together to speak on the general theme of 'truth and lies.' Pamuk was one of three Nobel laureates on the festival's guest list, having secured that literary honour back in 2006. He is the author of such books as My Name is Red, Snow, Istanbul: Memories and the City, and The Museum of Innocence, his latest novel, recently released in paperback."

More:Melancholy man