Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Art Sales: Turkey is looking hot this winter - Telegraph

"Art Sales: Turkey is looking hot this winter
Auctions and galleries are promoting the country’s art, finds Colin Gleadell.

By Colin Gleadell 10:59AM GMT 30 Nov 2010

At Contemporary Istanbul, Istanbul’s contemporary art fair, which closed on Sunday, one of the star attractions was a tall 1962 abstract painting by Mubin Orhon. An artist who trained in Paris in the Fifties and died in 1981, he is one of the half dozen most sought after modern Turkish painters. The piece was not for sale, but was there for promotional purposes: it had been sold at a local auction house, Antik AS, earlier in the month for a record $965,000 (£618,400)."

More:Art Sales: Turkey is looking hot this winter - Telegraph