Sunday, October 31, 2010

Letters: EU should welcome Turkish accession | World news | The Guardian

"EU should welcome Turkish accession

Martin Kettle's article on Turkish membership of the EU (Disgracefully, Turkey's EU accession bid is going nowhere soon, 29 October) is timely and prescient. I have been researching young people's views of Europe in Turkey over the last few months, and can see their frustration building up at an alarming rate. Turkey has been invited to prepare itself for accession, and has since made great strides in developing civil liberties. Most of the young people I've spoken with express both confidence in their country's social development and in their orientation towards Europe. Their attitudes towards diversity in the population are inclusive to a degree that would not have been thought possible 10 years ago. And they are certainly not expressing any desire to migrate to western Europe – their own economy is too buoyant, and they are well-informed on the labour market prospects in the west."

More:Letters: EU should welcome Turkish accession | World news | The Guardian