Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The EU will regret its dishonest, humiliating treatment of Turkey - Telegraph

"The EU will regret its dishonest, humiliating treatment of Turkey

By Daniel Hannan
Published: 6:21AM BST 28 Jul 2010

David Cameron was too polite to say it in so many words, but his audience of Turkish MPs got the point: the EU is treating them shabbily.

Singly, Europe's governments have perfectly consistent policies. Some countries want, in Gladstone's unhappy phrase, 'to bundle the Turk, bag and baggage, out of Europe'. France, Austria and (less vocally) Germany are in this camp. Others, led by Britain, see Turkish membership as strategically valuable: a way to bolster the world's chief Muslim democracy and perhaps, in the process, to dilute Euro-federalism."

More:The EU will regret its dishonest, humiliating treatment of Turkey - Telegraph