Monday, November 23, 2009

Former Attacker Turned Movie Producer Releases Warner Brother Movie | Values Voter News

"Former Attacker Turned Movie Producer Releases Warner Brother Movie

ASLAN International Ministries: Featured in a Warner Brothers Movie!
MEDIA ADVISORY, Nov. 11 /Christian Newswire/ -- Based on a true story involving the ASLAN team - former attacker turned movie producer - tells of "God's Message of Love" to Turkish people.

Pastor Ian Heringa, the Founder/Director of ASLAN International Ministries Turkey, has pioneered Turkish New Testament Distribution for 22 years, together with a team of local Turkish believers. With over half a million Turkish New Testaments distributed, he has been arrested and harassed by police and military over 55 times. "

More:Former Attacker Turned Movie Producer Releases Warner Brother Movie | Values Voter News