Monday, July 27, 2009

Juliette Lewis likes Istanbul's variety

"Juliette Lewis likes Istanbul's variety

By Jae-Ha Kim | Tribune Media Services
July 27, 2009

Juliette Lewis has a reputation for being somewhat of a wild child. But the 36-year-old actress-singer says she is mellower than people would think. 'I would rather be on the road with my band or traveling than out partying,' Lewis said. The actress, who co-stars with Drew Barrymore in 'Whip It!' and stars opposite Jennifer Aniston in next year's 'The Baster,' opens for the Pretenders on a U.S. tour kicking off Aug. 5 ( ). Her new album, 'Terra Incognita,' will be in stores Sept. 9. '‘Terra Incognita' means unknown territory, and that was my whole mission with this record—to do something different,' Lewis said. 'The songs stem from my travels. To me, this record is really diverse, haunting, beautiful and eclectic.'"

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