Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Dos And Don’ts For Turkish Women

"Dos And Don’ts For Turkish Women
May 28th, 2008 by Fred Stopsky · No Comments

A list of controversial “dos and don’ts” regading sexual relations for Turkish women has been published by the Directorate of Religious Affairs. According to the much debated list(it is not law in Turkey) people should avoid having illegal etra-marital affairs and engaging in such behaviors as flirting and dating that might lead to adultery. Turkey is a nation in which some women are blatantly western in their normal behavior while others adhere more closely to traditional ways of behavior.The web site of the Directorate said “women have to be more careful since they have sexual stimulants.” It cited women who wear perfume outside fthe home as displaying immoral behavior because “Our Prophet Mohammed did not approve of women who wear perfume and fragrances outside their homes and he descried this action as immoral.”"

More:Dos And Don’ts For Turkish Women