Sunday, April 27, 2008

Trend News : Baku Calls Firing of Azerbaijan and Turkish Flags as Brutality (video)

"Baku Calls Firing of Azerbaijan and Turkish Flags as Brutality (video)
26.04.08 15:02

Azerbaijan, Baku, 26 April / corr Trend News K.Ramazanova / Baku calls the firing of Azerbaijani and Turkish flags as brutality.

“These actions by Armenia show the world their true face,” Araz Azimov, the Azerbaijani Foreign Minister, told journalists in Baku on 26 April.

Azimov said that Azerbaijan follows the laws and does not intend to take similar steps. “We witnessed such actions in the past,” he said."

More:Trend News : Baku Calls Firing of Azerbaijan and Turkish Flags as Brutality (video)