Tuesday, October 30, 2007

US Azerbaijanis demand dismissal of journalist publishing photos of Khojaly genocide as “Armenian genocide”

"US Azerbaijanis demand dismissal of journalist publishing photos of Khojaly genocide as “Armenian genocide” [ 30 Oct 2007 15:12 ] Azerbaijan Society of America and representatives of Mountain Jews living in New York demanded explanation from the Russian weekly newspaper V Novom Svete (In the New World) which published the photos of Khojaly genocide victims as victims of the so-called Armenian genocide. APA US bureau reports the editor of the newspaper Nemerovski said that Armenian journalist Eduard Pariyants wrote the article and that he did not know these were the photos of Khojaly genocide. He said that he will make statement after investigating the problem. Hundreds of American Azerbaijanis phoned the editorial office of the newspaper and demanded dismissal of the journalist and official refutation. Azerbaijani permanent representation to UN and public organizations pay attention to the problem. Eduard Pariyants was dismissed for publishing the article on the so-called Armenian genocide two years ago. /APA/"