Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Any move by Turkish troops into Kurdish territory would be a declaration of war, the region’s leader said yesterday. [snip] “If they invade or if there is any incursion, it means war,” Mr Barzani said at his offices on the outskirts of Arbil. “If they attack our people, our interests, our territories then there will be no limit because everything is subject to that incursion.” Article [Prime Minister Recep Tayyip] Erdogan said the safe haven that terrorists enjoy in northern Iraq would dominate his talks with US President George W. Bush at the White House on Nov. 5. “I will openly tell him that we expect concrete, immediate steps against the terrorists,” Erdog(an told his deputies. “The problem of the PKK terrorist organization is a test of sincerity for everybody,” he said. “I will tell him [Bush] that this test carries great importance for the region and in determining the fate of our future relations.”"

More:And So It Goes :: TURKISH TIGHTROPE :: October :: 2007