Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Chief EU Negotiator Ali Babacan likely to be next Turkish Foreign Minister

"Chief EU Negotiator Ali Babacan likely to be next Turkish Foreign Minister
25.04.2007 19:38 GMT+04:00 Print version Send to mail In Russian

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Chief EU Negotiator and State Minister Ali Babacan is likely to be the next Turkish Foreign Minister.

“With Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul now the official candidate for the Turkish presidency, and thus, barring any extraordinary circumstances, the future president, the empty spot at the helm of the Turkish Foreign Ministry looks likely to be filled by Ali Babacan. Babacan’s EU experience and foreign language skills make him the most likely candidate for the position among high ranked AKP officials. It is also thought that Abdullatif Sener will then be brought in to take over some of Babacan’s current responsibilities,” an AKP representative thinks, Hyuriet reported."

Armenian News - PanARMENIAN.Net | Armenian News Agency - Chief EU Negotiator Ali Babacan likely to be next Turkish Foreign Minister