Thursday, January 25, 2007

The regrettable story of Article 301 - Turkish Daily News Jan 25, 2007

"The regrettable story of Article 301
Thursday, January 25, 2007

ANKARA TDN Parliament Bureau

For years, Turkey has been discussing how to treat ways of �thinking� and its �expression.� Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code (TCK) presents a barrier to these two activities. Because of this, intellectuals and politicians have come up against each other in the 301 arena. Intellectuals push for freedoms while politicians resist. Article 301, which has been raised inside and outside the country in the wake of Hrant Dink's murder, under the current circumstances, was put on the backburner until the results of upcoming elections are in, along with the European Union's postponement of Turkey's membership in eight chapters. Following the Dink murder, this article started to be called �301, the murderer.� "

More:The regrettable story of Article 301 - Turkish Daily News Jan 25, 2007