Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Martyrdom of Hrant Dink

"The Martyrdom of Hrant Dink
By Gwynne Dyer *
Jan 30, 2007, 16:58

When they buried Hrant Dink in Istanbul last Tuesday (23 January), more than 100,000 Turks came to his funeral, filling the streets and chanting, “We are all Armenians.” There is a war going on for the soul of Turkey, but at least a lot of Turks are on the right side. Dink, who called himself “an Armenian from Turkey and a good Turkish citizen,” was murdered because he insisted on talking about the great crime that happened in the country 92 years ago: the mass murder of most of Turkey’s Armenian population in eastern Anatolia. "

More:The Martyrdom of Hrant Dink