Tuesday, May 30, 2006

'Wall' from NY to Istanbul - Turkish Daily News May 30, 2006

"'Wall' from NY to Istanbul
Tuesday, May 30, 2006

ISTANBUL - Turkish Daily News

On its 15th anniversary, the Istanbul Theater Festival is once again introducing world-renowned groups and artists to Turkish audiences. The 4th International Theater Olympics is also being held in Istanbul in partnership with the Theater Festival.

�Wall� (a.k.a. 1001 New York Nights), a dark comedy written and directed by Handan Özbilgin and produced by Umut Eğitimci, will make its debut in Istanbul as part of this very important theater event. After its first successes with audiences in 2004 at the Kraine Theater in New York, �Wall� is ready to be seen and enjoyed in Istanbul."

More:'Wall' from NY to Istanbul - Turkish Daily News May 30, 2006